
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Strange punishment of disobedience to father

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

their lives of men in our village he used to cut wood from jungle every day in this week he used to provide livelihood to his family he had only son only one son and his name was Hamza he was very irritating when he became six years old the main admitted him in school the man himself couldn't get education but he wanted his son to be a noble person after getting after getting education. His son Hamza was intelligent but he was here less care less and irresponsible and doing work. he goes to school every day but he was not taking interest in studies in the way to school he used to watch here and there and stops here and there he reaches school late he was punished many times for being late and he mostly was not completing his homework he's father make him understand many times that you will be cutting Woods all your life. Hamza didn't take any effect of this thing and finally he was failed in your fives' exam. Anyhow his father give him another chance that he can study with hard work and boss that exam but he failed again and now his father took him out from the school and make him work with him. One day his father said that I'm not feeling well so you really have to go alone in the jungle got the woods but you must be ready careful and do not go far in the jungle, he didn't act upon the advice of his father and went far in the jungle where there was dangerous animals suddenly he heard the noise of elephants and those elephants  were running towards him and he jumped up on a three but the elephants have seen him so they reached under that tree in no time they started giving jerks to tree and finally that it started to shake and its roots were separating. one elephant went close to another as they were talking (animals talk also but we cannot understand their language) anyhow one elephant went into the gender of the saying something he went to a pound and filled his nose tube with water and put water in the roots of tree so the land around the roots became soft he brought water second time in the same way then he gave jerks to tree. Hamza was regretting on the tree, he was remorseful.  He didn't listen to his father and didn't get the education and then could not do the work as well. Suddenly Allah put a thought in Hamza's heart that when elephant looks up to Hamza after giving jerks to tree then his head's right side remains down so he cannot see the right side he guessed. So he slowly came down from the right side and then run away from there after that Hamza thanked Allah for saving his life. He promised to himself that from now on he will be obedient to his father and he will get education with interest. 

Dear children! Know the harms of Paan and Cancer

A child nowadays taking drugs is very common it is said that 70 to 60 percent people are those who eat paan who are suffering cancer. Taking gutka, sounf sapari which smells, and smoking has become very common. It hurts when a man comes out with red mouth when someone tells that he has quitted the smoking or paan then we feel happy. Children if someone smoke in your house or eat Paan or chalia then tell them that mouth firstly gets effected who eat these things. I said to a person who keeps his mouth red every day, he could open a bit only, when I said to bring the tongue out then he could not do so properly.  He told after inquiring that he has chalia in his mouth. Every paan eater tests his mouth in the same way.  Excessive use of paan makes hard the soft flesh of mouth and then it is hard to open the mouth and bring the tongue out. Use of and slacked lime (choona) dries the skin of mouth and makes blisters in mouth and this is the alsar of the mouth. This person must get rid from chalia, paan, gutka at once. Otherwise this very alsar changes into the cancer in future.

Dear children! those who eat excessively the paan and the Gutka   firstly their voice gets disturb then their throat creates problems and it becomes ill and even then this person do not quit eating then by increasing finally it reaches to the cancer. 

Children pay attention! The choona which can cut the flesh of mouth what kind of ruin it will be creating after going in to stomach, which cut usually the stomach and the arteries. it cannot be traced at once but when alsar is increased then it appears that this alsar can convert into fearful caner. 

Sweet children! You read this article and surely you have become aware of the harms of paan, gutka, chalia, and sapari. If someone eats sapari in all of you then he must stop eating that at once. If in your family like your father, uncle, brother or anybody else eat then tell them the disastrous out of it with love to save their health.  

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